
◆ 会议时间:2025年10月15-18日
◆ 会议地点:中国 北京


◆ 会议简介:


国际毒理学联合会(IUTOX) 是全球毒理学界的领导者。IUTOX成立于1980年,现拥有63个附属协会,代表六大洲超过25,000名来自工业、学术界和政府的毒理学家会员。IUTOX的使命是通过全世界毒理学的科学和实践来改善人类健康。IUTOX通过促进国际科学合作,在全球范围内获取和利用毒理学知识,以改善人类及其环境的健康,从而实现其愿景。IUTOX每三年组织一次全球规模最大、最负盛名的国际毒理学大会(ICT)。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com).

IUTOX 17th International Congress of Toxicology (ICTXVII)
Date: October 15-18, 2025
Venue: Beijing, China

会议主题/Theme: Toxicology for Safe Environment & Healthy Life

Organized by:
International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX)
Chinese Society of Toxicology (CST)


IUTOX organizes the largest and most prestigious International Congress on Toxicology (ICT) every three years, offering the opportunity to learn the latest developments in toxicological science and regulation through general scientific sessions and continuing education classes. On a personal level, it provides the opportunity for you to present your own work to this, the largest and most diverse audience of toxicologists, allowing you to network with others in the same field. And, of course, it provides an opportunity for social activities at the conference in different parts of the world (Seattle, Washington in 1995; Paris, France 1998; Brisbane, Australia 2001; Tampere, Finland 2004; Montréal, Canada 2007; Barcelona, Spain 2010; Seoul, South Korea 2013; Merida, Mexico 2016; Honolulu, Hawaii 2019; and Maastricht, the Netherlands 2022).



Dear colleagues and friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to join us in Beijing for the IUTOX 17th International Congress of Toxicology (ICTXVII), to be held on October 15-18, 2025, in Beijing, a charming city with a glorious history and whopping world heritage sites.

The ICT is the most prestigious triennial global academic event of the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX). The Chinese Society of Toxicology (CST) is pleased to partner with IUTOX to host the ICTXVII, to gather the toxicological scientists, professionals and students worldwide. The theme of ICTXVII is “Toxicology for Safe Environment & Healthy Life”. We are making effort to create a top-notch scientific program that will cover the newest achievements and research frontiers in all fields of toxicology covering basic, applied basic, risk assessment and translational research, and their applications to human health, environmental safety. Through a variety of session types, including the Deichmann Lecture, Plenary Lectures, Symposia, Workshops, Continuing Educational Courses, etc, ICTXVII will manage to meet the needs of all participants, from students, the beginners engaging in toxicological careers to the most esteemed experts.

As the host city of ICTXVII, Beijing is well known as a famous ancient city in the world, with a glorious history dated back three thousand years. The city preserves the most magnificent imperial architectures and cultural heritages. The congress venue China National Convention Center sits on the Beijing Central Axis, and within the Beijing Olympic Park. In addition to the inspiring scientific program, we will also provide you a series of cheerful social activities.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the marvelous city of Beijing and to experience the grand gathering in Toxicology! 

Prof. Ping-Kun Zhou
Chair of the Congress                             

Prof. Jinyuan Chen
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee



◆ 参会对象:政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。

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