2024年世界牙科大会-FDI World Dental Congress

◆ 会议时间:2024年9月12-15日
◆ 会议地点:土耳其 伊斯坦布尔


◆ 会议简介:



2024 FDI World Dental Congress (WDC)

12-15 September 2024

Istanbul Lütfi Kırdar lnternational Convention and Exhibition Center (ICEC)
Istanbul, Türkiye

Organzied by:
FDI World Dental Federation (FDI)
Turkish Dental Association (TDA)


The World Dental Congress (WDC) is a flagship event for FDI, strengthening ties and fostering collaboration within the global oral health community. To advance the science and practice of dentistry, WDC delivers a cutting-edge scientific programme, interactive forums covering the most relevant topics in dentistry, and a dental exhibition attended by the most prominent figures in the dental industry. The FDI World Dental Congress, held in a different country every year, offers a unique opportunity to meet with leaders of the oral health profession from around the globe.



Abstracts must be submitted by 03 April 2024
Abstract notification emails will be sent by the congress organizer by 15 May 2024
Presenting authors must pre-register for the congress by 20 June 2024
The date and time for your presentation will be specified by the congress organizer by 8 June 2024
e-posters must be uploaded in the system by 1 September 2024
Accepted abstracts will be published in FDI International Dentistry Journal (IDJ) supplement (ISSN: 0020-6539) on 22 November 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstract submission rules

  1. Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site. Faxes, photocopies or emailed copies will not be accepted.
  2. Abstracts must be submitted with the formatting as stipulated in these Guidelines or they will not be accepted
  3. All abstracts must be prepared and presented in English only
  4. Abstracts will be reviewed as submitted by the abstract deadline. No changes to abstract text, including correcting typographical errors, incorrect data, etc. will be permitted after this date
  5. If the abstract is saved as draft, abstract authors can edit or withdraw their abstracts until the submission deadline
  6. Abstracts cannot be edited once they’ve been submitted
  7. Authors may submit up to 3 abstracts but present only 1 abstract (for example: 1 abstract as presenting author and 2 abstracts as co-author)
  8. The submitting author must receive the approval of all co-authors before including their names on the abstract
  9. One author must be identified as the presenting author
  10. Abstracts of unfinished research will not be evaluated
  11. Previously published abstracts (in print or any electronic format) or those presented at another meeting are not allowed
  12. The submitting author must disclose any personal or co-author potential conflict of interest
PLEASE NOTE: Once you submit an abstract, you will no longer be able to edit your submission.

Presentation & Research types

  • Authors can submit abstracts for Oral Presentations or Posters (e-postersformat). However, the final presentation type of the accepted abstract is under the discretion of the congress scientific committee.
  • Projects being reported must be Original studies or Case reports. No literature reviews will be accepted.

Original Study Abstracts


  • Title
    Abstract title must be less than 10 words. The initial letter of the title must be capitalized.
    It should express the research essence (concise summary) and should convince the reader that the topic is important, relevant, and innovative.
  • Aim or purpose
    In one brief sentence, provide the rational for the investigation and/or the question to be answered, with or without short citation(s). Citations should be listed and provide the name and initials of authors (max 3), title of article, title of journal, year of publication, the volume number and first and last page numbers in full. 
  • Materials and methods
    The experimental conditions should be reported briefly (i.e. age group, nature of the animals, sex, and approval from the Ethics Committee at the presenter’s institution). The clinical approach should be precise, and the period of time studied taken into account in the interpretation. The methods used should also be clearly indicated (i.e. image analysis, biochemical data, histological, immune-histological or molecular probes used for the analysis of the data, statistical significance). 
  • Results
    The results should be stated in a maximum of three sentences.
  • Conclusions
    This is any conclusion(s) that can be drawn from the presentation. This final statement is crucial because it supports the scientific value of the poster.

Evaluation criteria:

The evaluation by the reviewers is based on the following criteria:

  • Originality of research
  • Research methodology
  • Results & analyses
  • Clinical applications
  • Is the research presented clearly and legibly?

Case Report Abstracts


  • Title
    Abstract title must be less than 10 words. The initial letter of the title must be capitalized.
    It should express the research essence (concise summary) and should convince the reader that the topic is important, relevant, and innovative. It is not necessary to describe everything about the case in the title.
  • Introduction
    The case report abstract begins with a short introduction. It describes the context of the case and demonstrates its relevance or importance.
  • Case Description
    Case Reports needs to represent treatment (new or novel) approaches to dealing with specific clinical problems. When reporting the case, comply the essential guidelines of medical/dental communication; describe in sequence the medical and/or dental history, physical examination, investigative study(studies), and the progress and outcome. Product trade names used in the case treatment must be accompanied by a generic term, and followed by the manufacturer in parentheses.
  • Discussion
    The principal objective of the discussion is to review why decisions were made and summarize the lesson from the case. Clinical Considerations should be included by a brief description of the clinical materials and techniques employed. Not uncommonly, reports from the literature, or their absence, are cited that either directly support or contradict the findings of the case. The best case report abstracts are those that give a small number of learning points in clear and concise language.
    Conclusion/clinical significance:
    In a few sentences, the clinical importance and implications of the research or clinical technique should be discussed and included, and if applicable, its relevance to clinical dentistry.




REGISTRATION TYPE Early Bird / Last Day: 14th of June Standard  Onsite 
EUR 220,00 EUR 270,00 EUR 300,00
EUR 400,00 EUR 500,00 EUR 550,00
(International Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries*)
EUR 220,00 EUR 270,00 EUR 300,00
Young Dentist**
(National & International / Valid for graduates from 2020 and above)
EUR 200,00 EUR 250,00 EUR 280,00
Dental Student*** EUR 100,00 EUR 150,00 EUR 180,00
EUR 250,00 EUR 350,00 EUR 400,00
Auxiliaries ****
(National & International Low and Lower-middle Income Countries*)
EUR 150,00 EUR 200,00 EUR 230,00
  • All taxes are included.
  • * Based on the World Bank Group's country classification by income level figure for FY24 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024)
  • ** Valid for graduates from 2020 and above. Undergraduate certificates should be uploaded to the online system. Postgraduate certificates are not accepted for the young dentist category.
  • *** A valid dental student ID is required at the time of the congress. Student certificate should be uploaded to the online system. Only undergraduate dental students can register in this category.
  • **** Registration for Dental Hygienist, Oral Health Therapist, Dental Therapist, Practice Manager, Dental Assistant, Dental Prosthetist



FDI World Dental Congress 2025
Date: 9 - 12 September 2025
Location: 国家会展中心(上海),National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), China


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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