◆ 会议时间:2024年6月12-14日
◆ 会议地点:波兰 希维诺乌伊希切(Swinoujscie, Poland)
◆ 会议简介:
EMSOS 2024
36th Annual Meeting of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society
24th EMSOS Nurse and Allied Professions Group Meeting
Date : 12 - 14 June, 2024
Venue: Hotel Hilton Świnoujście, Swinoujscie, Poland
Abstract submission closes: 15 January, 2024
Review deadline: 15 March, 2024
Notification to authors: 31 March, 2024
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Abstract topics
• Sarcoma research: Human and Animal Cell Culture Models, Mechanism – Based Therapies in Fussion – Driven Sarcomas, Patient – Derived Cell Lines, Liquid Biopsy
• Current Diagnostic and therapeutical Guidelines in Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas
• Novelties in the Systemic Treatment of Pediatric and Adult Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcomas
• The Role of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas
• Prognostic Tools in Soft Tissue Sarcomas
• Pathology of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors – the New Diagnostic Tools
• Current Radiotherapy Protocols in Primary and Metastatic Bone and Soft Tissue Disease
• The Approach to Metastatic Bone Disease in Children and Adults
• Principles of Limb Salvage Surgery
• Biological Reconstructions vs Oncological Implants
• Oncological Implants Failures – Revision Treatment Standards
• New Technologies in The Treatment of Bone Defects
• The Assessment and Therapy of Spinal Tumors
• Pelvic and Sacral Tumors – Treatment Recommendations
• Principles of Treatment in Foot and Ankle Tumors
• Infection Management in Musculoskeletal Oncology
• Novel Standards of Anaestetic Perioperative Care in Surgical Oncology
• Nursing Aspects in Pre- and Postoperative Care
• The Role of Physiotherapy in Orthopaedic Oncology
How to submit your abstract
Click the 'Submit Abstract' button and follow the onscreen instructions.
Complete the abstract fields and submit the form. Please note that mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
When completing the Abstract field, it is easy to copy and paste straight from a Word document, but all fields have a formatting toolbar.
Click 'Submit' at the bottom of the form when you have completed all relevant fields.
You will see a pop-up alert if any mandatory fields are left incomplete – if you click 'Continue' your submission will be marked as 'incomplete' if some fields have not been answered, so ensure you return to complete these before the deadline.
You will receive email notification that your submission has been received.
Abstract Presentation
Oral Abstracts
A number of authors will be invited to deliver a talk based on the abstract topic and quality of submissions. Authors giving an oral presentation will not be expected to present a poster.
Poster Abstracts
Authors of accepted abstracts who have chosen to present a poster will be asked to send a .png files of their work by e-mail according to the guidelines they will receive. Authors of posters must register in full and attend the conference.
The poster gallery will be displayed on large screens around the venue. Delegates will be able to browse the gallery and view posters.
Guidelines for Authors
All abstracts MUST be submitted via the online platform.
View the session topics and select the most relevant category for your abstract.
• Submission of the same abstract to more than one category is not allowed. Duplicates will be rejected.
• Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts as leading author, but can be mentioned as co-author in more other abstracts.
• Title to be formatted in Sentence case (not Title Case / not UPPERCASE)
• Abstracts must be submitted using the text fields in the portal – we cannot accept file uploads.
• Abstract body text should be organised in four sections – "Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions" – to indicate the start of each new section.
Introduction: A brief statement of purpose of the study and the hypothesis to be tested.
Methods: Summarise the predictors and outcomes analysed, as well as the methods used. For abstracts reporting clinical research, a sentence or phrase presenting the most important selection criteria for subjects should be included.
Results: Provide a summary of the results including quantitative data, presented in sufficient detail with statistical analysis when possible to support the conclusions.
Conclusions: Summarise the impact and significance of the findings. It is not sufficient to state, "The results will be discussed," or "other data will be presented," etc.
• The abstract text should be clear and concise in English with good sentence structure – 250 words maximum.
• Mathematical symbols and equations can be typed or copied & pasted into the field.
• Abstract must be text only – no pictures, diagrams, tables, etc. can be included.
• The abstract can include up to five references or citations, consistently formatted according to any major academic citation style.
• Enter the list of all authors using full names and affiliations.
• Identify one author who will attend the meeting and be able to present the abstract (if it is selected).
• Disclose any conflicts of interest. Authors are responsible for reporting any real or perceived financial conflict of interest. A brief disclosure and conflict of interest statement should be submitted with the abstract and also viewable on any posters. Any potential for financial gain that may be derived from reported work may constitute a possible conflict of interest. Disclosure is required in any case in which an individual or company stands to benefit financially from research performed. Therefore, each author must indicate any benefit to an individual or company that may potentially lead to financial reward.
• Select your preference for either poster presentation or oral presentation. However, please be aware that there is no guarantee that an oral preference will be approved.
• Before submission, please check all necessary fields have been completed in order to avoid last-minute changes.
Authors Responsibilities
• The content and accuracy of abstracts is the responsibility of authors. EMSOS reserves the right to reject abstracts that are not written in English, are out of the scope of the EMSOS Conference, do not meet basic standards of scientific quality, or do not adhere to conventional standards of civil discourse and common decency.
• The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented (either orally or in poster form) at the meeting by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors. If this is not possible, do not submit an abstract. Should an author not attend to present an accepted abstract, such contributions will be marked as 'no-show'.
• Permissions: By submitting an abstract, authors grant EMSOS a non-exclusive right to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the abstract worldwide in all forms (including on the Society's website), formats and media now known or as developed in the future, including print, electronic and digital forms. Authors will retain copyright of the abstract, in addition to the moral rights to which they are entitled to as author of the abstract. By submission, authors give EMSOS permission to film or photograph their presentation at the Conference, which may be used on the EMSOS website and on other relevant and related platforms and media channels.
• The official language of the conference is English. Simultaneous interpretation is not provided. It is therefore expected that, if selected for oral presentation, authors are able to present their research fluently in the English language.
Should you need assistance with the abstract system please request support by sending an email to: biuro@medisfera.pl or marzena.watrobinska@medisfera.pl.
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the EMSOS Board it is our great pleasure to invite you to join the 36th EMSOS Annual Meeting combined with 24th Allied Health Professions Meeting which will be organized in Swinoujscie, Poland between 12 and 14 June, 2024.
The Congress will aim to advance knowledge on Musculoskeletal Oncology among surgeons and health-care professionals from Europe
and other Continents.
As Orthopaedic Oncology is constantly a dynamic growing field,
so relevant for daily clinical practice, we hope that this symposium
will provide an excellent opportunity to present and discuss the latest scientific findings, clinical guidelines and practical aspects followed
by case studies and workshops.
We look forward to seeing you in Swinoujscie in June 2024!
Daniel Kotrych
The Organizing Committee of EMSOS 2024
Joanna Szkandera
President of EMSOS
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。