
◆ 会议时间:2023年10月12-14日
◆ 会议地点:美国 芝加哥


◆ 会议简介:

2023年美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)磁性护理大会与ANCC卓越之路大会(ANCC National Magnet Conference® and the ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference®)将于2023年10月12-14日在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行。ANCC磁性护理大会是美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC) 磁性认证项目的官方年度会议,是美国最大的护理会议,有来自世界各地的10000余名优秀护士和护理相关专业人士与会,磁性大会既是对新认定的磁性组织成就的庆祝,也是磁性社区最佳护理实践的展示!

美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)是美国护士协会(ANA)于1990年成立的一个附属非营利性机构,ANA通过ANCC提供认证和考试服务。ANCC于1990年12月批准创建“磁性医院卓越护理服务认证计划”,来褒奖为患者提供优质护理服务的医院,通过磁性认证的医院被称为“磁性医院”,磁性医院是全球护理界公认的最高荣誉奖,磁性医院不仅为护理人员提供宣良好的工作环境,还提高了护士的职业满意度,甚至在患者预后方面也优于非磁性医院。1994年,ANCC授予华盛顿州西雅图华盛顿大学医学中心第一个磁性认证。1997年,ANCC将该项目的官方名称改为“磁性护理服务认证项目(Magnet Nursing Services Recognition program)”。2000年,ANCC将该项目扩展到认证海外医疗机构。2002年,ANCC再次将该项目官方名称更改为目前的名称“磁性认证项目(Magnet Recognition Program)”。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

2023 ANCC National Magnet Conference® and the ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference®

Date: October 12-14, 2023
Venue: Chicago, IL, USA

Organized by: American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)



2023 ANCC National Magnet Conference® Call for Abstracts

Dates for Submission

Submissions will be accepted beginning Saturday, October 15, 2022. The deadline for abstract submissions is 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Friday, December 2, 2022 11:59 p.m. Eastern.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Submission Requirements

  • Each abstract submission allows for a total of two (2) presenters; no exceptions.
  • Abstracts must be 2500 characters or less, exclusive of footnoted references.
  • Abstracts must be blinded - all references to the organizations and/or authors by name must be omitted from the title, program description, and body of the abstract to ensure a fair, unbiased review process. Failure to comply with this blinded process will result in automatic abstract disqualification.
  • Abstracts must evidence nursing staff or management activities related to one of the tracks and focus on one or more conference learning goals/outcomes. Abstracts must include the purpose and description of the nursing initiative, implementation strategies, evaluation of the impact/effectiveness on the organization, and implications for nursing practice.

    Elements for Submission

    Section Character
    Limit (2,500 total)

    *Spaces count in the character limit



    Purpose (What): Identify the overall goal/intent of the project or research.


    Relevance/Significance (Why): Describe the project/research’s relevance and importance in context of the conference goal(s) and why the project/research was necessary.  Research projects should include the aim and hypotheses.


    Strategy/Implementation/Methods (How): Describe the project actions and the process of implementation. Research projects should include design, sample, instruments, data collection procedures, and analytic approach used.


    Evaluation/Outcomes/Results (So what): Describe analytic findings and include actual evaluation data demonstrating the value of the initiative change (success or failure).  Note: for research projects, this section must include quantitative or qualitative data and must link to concrete results (stronger abstracts show how the results impact practice or patient outcomes).


    Conclusions/Implications for Practice (And now): Discuss the meaning of the findings and their implications for nursing practice

Presenter Requirements

If accepted for presentation, all abstract presenters must:

  • Submit required forms in electronic format as directed by the deadlines given.
  • Register for and attend the conference. Unfortunately, ANCC is unable to discount or waive registration costs for presenters.
  • Assume all costs related to travel, accommodations, and registration.

Podium presenters will be required to:

  • Speak for 50 minutes minimum, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. All sessions must be 60 minutes in total length to fulfill CNE requirements.
  • Certain abstracts may be accepted for a 20-minute paired presentation.
  • Once the final version of the presentation is submitted and approved, no changes can be made.
  • Submit the final version of slide presentation by the date and time designated in the acceptance email. Failure to submit slides by the designated time and date may result in the presentation being removed from the program.

Poster presenters will be required to:

  • Once the final version of the presentation is submitted and approved, no changes can be made.
  • Submit the final electronic version of the poster in PDF format by the date and time designated in the acceptance email. Failure to submit the poster PDF by the designated time and date may result in the poster being removed from the program.
  • Print and bring the poster(s) to the conference for display.
  • Be present to answer questions during designated times as part of the conference continuing education program.







◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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