
◆ 会议时间:2022年3月5-8日
◆ 会议地点:澳大利亚 黄金海岸(Gold Coast)


◆ 会议简介:


澳大利亚和新西兰泌尿外科学会(USANZ)成立于1937年,是由澳大利亚和新西兰泌尿外科医生组成的权威专业组织。USANZ通过澳大利亚皇家外科医师学院(RACS)管理泌尿外科的教育培训项目,并为其成员提供持续的专业发展活动。USANZ致力于通过临床研究、教育,传播有关泌尿学方面宣的信息,以造福于社会。USANZ愿景是继续为全社会服务,以确保其成员能够为患者提供最佳的泌尿外科护理服务。 未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。

USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting
The USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting is the Society's cornerstone event and has become the premier event in the southern hemisphere for all health professionals specialising in urology.

The meeting is usually held over four days, from Saturday to Tuesday, at the beginning of the calendar year, between late February and mid-April.

The USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting It is a multidisciplinary meeting, inviting participation from doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, and scientists working in urology both locally and internationally with the program covering the various subspecialties within urology including Uro-ONcology, Bladder and Kidney Cancers, Robotics, Female Urology, Reconstructive Urology, Paediatrics, Andrology and Sexual Medicine, Endourology and, Functional Urology.



We would like to invite you to the USANZ ASM 2022 on the warm and sunny Gold Coast.

Anita Clarke (2022 ASM Convenor), myself, and the organising committee of ANZUNS look forward to presenting an outstanding educational event in one of the most iconic places in Australia.

The committee is focused on providing a broad program which includes oncology, functional urology, endourology, reconstruction/paediatrics and LUTs/andrology, offering something for everyone. The scientific program will concentrate on providing  evidence for best practice as well as debate the many controversial issues that occur in urology, in addition to showcasing the superb research conducted in Australia and New Zealand. The faculty will be composed of world leading international authorities along with many terrific local experts.

The USANZ 2022 ASM will deliver the most recent scientific and clinical advances in urology at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre located in the heart of Broadbeach. It is just 500m from the beach and walking distance to a number of accommodation options.

Save the date now and join us for what will be an exceptional meeting in a truly beautiful city.


Manish Patel, USANZ 2022 ASM Scientific Committee Chair

Anita Clarke, USANZ 2022 ASM Convenor





◆ 参会对象:

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