2021年第8届世界儿童心脏病学与心脏外科大会(WCPCCS 2021)

◆ 会议时间:2021年9月19-24日 推迟至2023年
◆ 会议地点:美国 华盛顿Washington, DC


◆ 会议简介:

2021年第8届世界儿童心脏病学与心脏外科大会(WCPCCS 2021)将于2021年9月19日至24日在美国华盛顿Washington, DC举行。WCPCCS是全球儿童心血管疾病及先心病外科领域内规模最大、最具影响力的国际盛会,每四年举办一次,大会议题涵盖心脏外科、门诊心脏病学、全球心脏健康、超声心动图、成人先天性心脏病ACHD/GUCH、多模态成像、重症医学、胎儿心脏病学、风湿性心脏病、心力衰竭与移植、基础科学、电生理学、心脏麻醉、导管插入术,以及新生儿心血管疾病、肺动脉高压、神经发育,大数据、新技术、人工智能,灌注等等,大会组委会诚挚地邀请您参加这个专注于儿童和青少年心脏病科学与治疗的重要活动。

A Letter from the Organizing Committee 

Greetings from the Organizing Committee of the World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery!

The SARS-CoV19 Pandemic has resulted in overwhelming changes in virtually all aspects of our lives, including education and scientific meetings. As Co-Chairs of the 8th World Congress, we want to emphasize that, first and foremost, your safety and well being are our primary consideration. Therefore, after much discussion and weighing all the options, given the current global uncertainty we have decided to postpone the 8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery until 2023.  As before, the meeting will take place in Washington DC, USA; the new dates are August 27th - September 1, 2023.

We want to thank our executive team, organizing committee, scientific program committee, Societal Partners, Institutional Partners, Appin Consulting, and many more who have developed the amazing congress and scientific program originally scheduled for September, 2021.  We will continue to capitalize on all of this hard work, as well as incorporating new science and technology, as we plan for an even better meeting in 2023. 

To this end, over the coming years, we will be presenting a series of virtual webinars and other complementary events highlighting portions of the current 2021 scientific program.  For details on these courses, join our mailing list at WCPCCS2023.org.

Stay tuned for details, and see you in DC in 2023!

Sincerely yours,
Jeff and Gil

Jeffrey Jacobs, MD
Co-Chair, WCPCCS 2023

Gil Wernovsky, MD
Co-Chair, WCPCCS 2023



◆ 参会对象:
心脏外科医师,心脏病学家,麻醉医师,心脏和重症护理护士,重症监护医师,新生儿学家, 灌注师,呼吸治疗师,理疗师,职业治疗师,医院管理人员,超声医师等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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