2020年第28届欧洲消化疾病周(UEG Week 2020)

◆ 会议时间:2020年10月11日至13日 虚拟会议
◆ 会议地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹/Amsterdam, The Netherlands - RAI Amsterdam
◆ 下届会议:2021年第29届欧洲消化疾病周(UEG Week 2021)

◆ 会议简介:

2020年第28届欧洲消化疾病周(UEG Week Virtual 2020)/虚拟会议将于2020年10月11日至13日举行。欧洲消化疾病周(UEG Week)由欧洲胃肠病学联合组织(UEG)主办,是欧洲首屈一指的消化病学会议,也是世界领先的胃肠病学活动之一。会议议题将再次涵盖广泛的消化疾病领域,并带来一流的研究生教学课程、最出色的胃肠病学论文摘要和海报,并同时向全球观众直播。本着“共同打造消化健康未来”的理念,世界知名专家将再次聚首一堂,共同探讨该领域的最新进展,从全新的消化系统健康研究,到最先进的临床实践。2020年UEG Week预计有超过13,000名来自全球各地的人士出席现场活动(上届会议与会人数:13208人,4194人通过现场直播在线关注UEG Week,4021份摘要提交,143家参展商) 。

欧洲胃肠病学联合组织(UEG)是全球领先的将与消化健康有关的欧洲主要学会联合在一起的非营利性组织。UEG的会员协会代表着25,000多名来自胃肠病学各个领域的专家,使得UEG成为世界同类机构中最全面的组织,也是一个独特的协作和知识交流平台。UEG致力于通过教育、支持研究和提高临床标准,促进人们消化系统疾病的预防和护理。从1992年起,一年一度的欧洲消化疾病周(UEG Week)已成为欧洲规模最大、最具有影响力的消化疾病学术会议,也是世界领先的胃肠病学活动之一,每年都吸引来自全球超过10000名医师、研究员与学院学者参加会议(未经本站允许,禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容,领域国际医学会议网)。

UEG Week是全球临床医生和科学家展示其最佳研究成果的首选之地。无论您对消化系统健康和疾病的任何一方面感兴趣,UEG Week都将组织创新、互动、精彩和全面的一系列活动。与往年一样,UEG week将举办一大批致力于原创性研究的口头报告会议,并印制宣传海报,届时整个会议中心将遍布E-Poster 和E-Poster Terminal 终端。此外,以Posters in the Spotlight 为题的小组讨论将为海报展示方提供机会,与业内的其他专家深入探讨其科研成果。最后,Abstracts on Fire 将带来精彩的快节奏口头展示,精选得分最高的摘要或最具争议的研究数据。即使在大会结束后,您的科研成果依然具有曝光率:论文摘要将被全球胃肠病领域最大的资源 UEG's Education永久收录,并刊载于UEG Journal(目前位列全球胃肠病学和肝病学期刊前25%)上。

Meet. Exchange. Evolve

UEG Week goes virtual

UEG Week Virtual 2020 
October 11-13, 2020

Grow with us – Let’s experience UEG’s first-ever virtual congress together!

The situation that we are currently facing as a society is the greatest global health challenge seen in decades. UEG’s leadership has carefully assessed the risk and drawn feasibility plans of how UEG Week can adapt to this unprecedented situation. 

UEG regards the health and safety of our community as a top priority and now leads by example, in taking this important decision:

Let’s meet, exchange and evolve virtually for the best gastroenterology congress in the world!

No matter the format, we remain dedicated to organising a high-quality meeting that will still allow instant interaction and advanced scientific exchange in real-time. Our scientific programme will uphold the UEG standard by bringing you the latest and greatest in science and remaining state of the art.

Now more than ever, we need to stand united to ensure that gastroenterology is advancing as a medical and scientific discipline. We are thrilled to offer this new virtual platform, now even more accessible to our global community from every corner of the world.




Abstract submission will be open from February 18, 2020 until May 15, 2020.
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


UEG Week 2020 - 欧洲消化疾病周-注册费:

Registration type Congress days Fee type
UEG Week Virtual delegate October 11-13 € 175
Fellow in Training (1), Student (2), Allied Health Professional (3) registration for UEG Week Virtual October 11-13
€ 95
Best of PGT from UEG Week delegate November 27-28 € 99

Registration fees are inclusive of the local applicable VAT rates.
The outlined registration fees apply as well for sponsoring & exhibiting companies.


Registration includes-注册费包括

UEG Week Virtual
October 11-13, 2020 

  • Access to all scientific sessions and poster exhibition 
  • Access to live demo room
  • Access to ESGENA nurse programme
  • Access to industry exhibition
  • Access to industry symposia
  • Virtual interaction and networking 
  • Free access to the virtual congress platform on-demand until end of December 
  • Free access to the Best of Postgraduate Teaching on-demand platform after the live event (no access to the Best of Postgraduate Teaching live event (November 27-28) unless purchased)
  • Free access to all recorded sessions and abstracts from UEG Week Virtual 2020 & Best of Postgraduate Teaching on UEG Week 24/7 after closing of the virtual congress platform 
  • Virtual congress materials
  • Certificate of attendance & CME certificate (only for participation in the live congress days)

Best of Postgraduate Teaching from UEG Week
November 27-28, 2020 

  • Access to the Best of Postgraduate Teaching virtual event
  • Access to industry exhibition
  • Access to industry symposia
  • Virtual interaction and networking
  • Free access to the virtual platform on-demand from the beginning of the live Postgraduate Teaching virtual event (November 27-28) until end of December 
  • Free access to the UEG Week Virtual 2020 on-demand platform from the beginning of the live Postgraduate Teaching virtual event until end of December (no access to the UEG Week Virtual 2020 live event unless purchased)
  • Free access to all recorded sessions and abstracts from UEG Week Virtual 2020 & Best of Postgraduate Teaching on UEG Week 24/7 after closing of the virtual congress platform
  • Virtual event materials
  • Certificate of attendance & CME certificate (only for participation in the live course days)


Cancellation policy-取消政策

Cancellation of congress attendance must be made in writing to uegweek.registration@mondial-congress.com.

Provided you are a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from this registration within 14 days without giving any reason by law. Moreover, in the event that your attendance of UEG Week Virtual 2020 is cancelled by Monday, September 28, 2020, and/or your attendance of Best of PGT from UEG Week is cancelled by Friday, November 13, full registration fee will be refunded. No refund will be given if the registration is cancelled at a later date. Should you not attend UEG Week Virtual or Best of PGT from UEG Week, for whatever reasons, no further claims for reimbursement or waiving of fees can be made. Cancellations must be made in writing per E-Mail to uegweek.registration@mondial-congress.com.  

In the event of total or partial cancellation of the UEG Week Virtual and/or Best of PGT from UEG Week due to Force Majeure like fire, strike, natural disaster, communicable disease, government regulations or causes which would prevent its scheduled opening or continuance, the contractual relationship between UEG and the attendee will be terminated immediately. UEG shall not have to refund any registration fee already paid. 

Furthermore, no refunds will be granted in case of modification of the programme, cancellation of speakers or any other incident during UEG Week Virtual or during Best of PGT from UEG Week.

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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