
◆ 会议时间:2020年8月26日至29日 推迟至2021年
◆ 会议地点:意大利 都灵/Torino, Italy


◆ 会议简介:


Dear ESTP members,

In these very challenging times, our first thoughts go to all individuals affected by COVID-19 and their beloved ones, as well as all people and health care providers that are fighting the current Sars-CoV-2 pandemic around the world.

In light of recent global and national developments, the ESTP, ESVP and ECVP, as well as their Scientific and Local Organizing committees have made the difficult but sensible decision to postpone our joint Cutting Edge Pathology congress by one year, to the end of August / beginning of September 2021 in Torino, Italy

Within the coming days, the respective Scientific Organizing Committees and the professional congress organizer EV S.r.l will contact invited speakers and sponsors with additional details. We would like to ensure you that with our joint efforts we will do our best to keep the financial impact associated with this postponement to a minimum.

Please change or cancel any travel or hotel arrangements you may have already made. Many airlines are opting to waive change fees, so please do check if this is the case for your ticket.

We thank you for your understanding and we are looking forward to meeting you again in person in 2021, at our CEP congress in Torino, Italy. The exact dates will be announced shortly.

We are currently exploring options for digital meetings, which would allow us to carry out a virtual AGM as well as to fulfil our obligation for further education.

Stay safe and healthy!

Yours sincerely,

Anna-Lena, Laura and Wolfgang

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP), jointly with the European Society of Veterinary Pathology (ESVP) and the European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP), has the privilege to invite you at the 4th Cutting Edge Pathology Congress, which will be held at Campus Luigi Einaudi in Turin (Italy) from Wednesday August 26th to Saturday 29th 2020.

This joint meeting, organized every 3 years, will be an ideal and stimulating opportunity to meet a large number or veterinary and toxicologic pathologists from different fields of expertise and specialization. As well, it will be a unique chance for junior/future pathologists and other professionals to get in touch with many experienced scientists and internationally known experts.

A Scientific Committee, comprising both nationally and internationally recognized experts, is responsible for the preparation of the scientific program. There will be joint keynote lectures, as well as parallel ESTP and ESVP/ECVP sessions. The topics of the ESTP part will be Biomarkers and Organ Toxicity. focused on the development and use of biomarkers in the process or preclinical development of new medicines, associated organ toxicity and the relevance/translatability of biomarkers to man. The scientific program will also include INHAND sessions, additional highly relevant topics of interest for toxicologic pathologists, as well as interactive case presentations and poster sessions.

The ESVP/ ECVP part will include interactive workshops, educational sessions and dynamic presentations of scientific results. There will also be a trade exhibition where books, new equipment and techniques, services of contract laboratories and much more will be presented. Further information and details on the scientific program, abstract submission, congress registration and sponsorship will be soon available on the ESTP, ESVP and ECVP homepages.

As capital city of the Piemonte region, Turin is the 4th largest Italian city representing an important business and cultural center in Northern Italy. Located on the riverbank of Po close to the Alps. Turin has a rich cultural and historical background and is well known for its Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neo-classical and Art Nouveau architecture. Many or Turin's public squares, castles. gardens and elegant "palazzi", such as Palazzo Madama, were built between the 16th and 18th centuries. In addition. the city is home to the Egyptian Museum, ranking second only to Cairo, and to the Mole Antonelliana . Turin used to be a major European political center. From 1563, it was the capital of the Duchy or Savoy, then of the Kingdom of Sardinia ruled by the Royal House of Savoy and the first capital of the unified Italy from 1861 to 1865.

Turin is easy to reach either by plane or express train. The congress venue Campus Luigi Einaudi is located in the town centre.

For all participants, the social program will include a welcome reception and congress dinner.

On behalf of the Scientific and Local Organizing committees, we are pleased to welcome you in Turin for the 4th Cutting Edge Pathology Congress.

We look forward to your participation.


Raffaella CAPOBIANCO and Pierluigi FANT, co-chairs of the ESTP Scientific Organizing Committee
Bartolomeo BIOLATTI and Enrico BOLLO, co-chairs of the Local Organizing Committee
Jerome ABADIE, chair of the ECVP/ESVP Scientific Committee

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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