
◆ 会议时间:2020年4月26日至28日 会议取消
◆ 会议地点:挪威 奥斯陆/Oslo/Norway - Norges Varemesse Norway Trade Fairs
◆ 下届会议:2021第21届欧洲创伤与急诊外科大会(ECTES2020/ESTES)

◆ 会议简介:


欧洲创伤与急诊外科学会(ESTES)的目标是提高急诊和创伤外科护理的兴趣、知识和质量。ESTES于2007年由欧洲创伤与急诊外科协会和欧洲创伤学会合并而成。从那时起,ESTES继续致力于促进提供从院前护理、诊断、干预和重症加强护理到康复的急救与创伤外科最佳实践。这得到国际合作、科学研究、培训课程的开发和提供,以及专门部门(灾难与军事外科、紧急外科、多发伤、内脏创伤以及骨骼创伤和运动医学)的工作的支持。这得益于国际合作、科学研究、培训课程的开发和提供,以及专业部门的工作(灾难和军事外科,急救手术,多发伤,内脏创伤以及骨骼创伤和运动医学)。ESTES每年举行一次科学会议 - 欧洲创伤与急诊外科大会(ECTES),并出版双月刊 - 欧洲创伤与急诊外科杂志(EJTES)—领域国际医学会议网翻译整理,未经本站允许,禁止复制、转载本站任何内容。

Abstract Submission deadline: Sunday, 13 October 2019, 23:55 GMT+1


Welcome note

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) welcomes you to the 21st European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery from April 26 to 28, 2020 in Oslo, Norway.

Similarly to previous editions of our congress, the ECTES will retain its international character this year by hosting over 40 Sessions with numerous speakers from all over the world. The ESTES is looking forward to offering a platform to experts in all areas of trauma and emergency surgery care. We will host several guest symposia including several European and non-European scientific societies like IATSIC, DGU, ATLS, ATCN and AO Trauma.

We are lucky to work in a field that is both diverse and dynamic. Within the last years, we have been able to establish so many different innovations for the benefit of our patients. Our five sections, Emergency Surgery, Disaster & Military Surgery, Skeletal Trauma and Sports Medicine, Visceral Trauma and Polytrauma, as well as the Permanent Education Committee are preparing an exciting and interdisciplinary programme.

We proudly welcome you to a city on the rise and a capital world-famous for peace politics, where people with diverse backgrounds exchange ideas and develop modern solutions. Oslo can present pioneering architecture and is surrounded by beautiful nature and sporting. We proudly welcome you to a metropolis so compact that international restaurants and great attractions are always just around the corner.

We are looking forward to a stimulating scientific and social event, and to welcoming you at ECTES 2020.

Christine Gaarder
Congress president ECTES 2020

ECTES 2020 Registration fees / 注册费:

Regular Fee 
until 10 April 2020

incl. Public transportation5

Late/Onsite Fee
from 11 April 2020

incl. Public transportation5

Individual Member ESTES

€ 470
€ 570
€ 585
€ 640
Nursing Staff1
€ 235
€ 265
Medical student2
€ 120
€ 150
Member ESTES Resident1
€ 240
€ 270
Non-Member Resident1/delegates from the Ukraine4
€ 320
€ 355
Industry Representative
€ 620
€ 675

Day Ticket3

€ 255
€ 280

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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