
◆ 会议时间:2020年9月8日至18日 虚拟会议
◆ 会议地点:美国 瓦克拉/Waikoloa, HI - Hilton Waikoloa Village
◆ 下届会议:2021年第80届美国创伤外科协会年会(AAST2021)

◆ 会议简介:


美国创伤外科协会(AAST)成立于1938年,是美国首屈一指的创伤外科组织,自成立以来,一直致力于推进美国和加拿大各部门创伤性外科的研究和实践,使命是成为创伤和危重病外科患者护理领域的外科医生的首要学术组织,AAST现在全球30多个国家拥有超过1300名成员。AAST的宗旨是领导和促进创伤外科的进展;为创伤外科的研究、实践和培训提供一个交流知识的平台;在各类事故伤害防治方法上加强研究与教学; 支持、指导和促进多机构的试验和研究;通过与其它机构联合举办会议促进国际合作和科学交流;举办AAST年会,出版创伤杂志,为科学展示、思想和技术交流以及继续医学教育提供一个平台。AAST致力于通过在一个团契和合作的环境中促进研究、教育和专业发展,来发现、传播、实施和评估与急重症外科有关的知识(创伤、外科危重病护理和急诊普通外科)。


Join the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma for the 79th Annual Meeting of AAST & Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery.

Join the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma for the 79th Annual Meeting of AAST & Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery.

On Monday, June 8th the AAST Board of Managers voted unanimously to move the 79th Annual Meeting of AAST and Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery that was to be held September 9-12, 2020 at the Hilton Waikoloa in Waikoloa, HI to a full virtual format.

This was not an easy decision and it was based on the safety of the AAST members, attendees, and guests who attend the meeting. Other deciding factors include the mandate from the State of Hawaii that requires social distancing of 6-feet in the ballrooms and the unpredictability of a resurgence of COVID 19 in the Fall.

While I am disappointed to miss the in-person event, the AAST staff and Program Chair, Patrick Reilly, are working diligently on other ways we can connect during the AAST Annual Meeting, including virtual social events, the ability to search/contact other attendees via the virtual meeting platform, the ability to comment on/discuss a speaker’s presentation right on the meeting website, and more.

As always, we will deliver the same cutting edge science that you always receive and expect at an AAST meeting. A message from Dr. Reilly, the finalized program, and the outline of the meeting will be coming out shortly.

Additional information will be sent out to presenters in the next few weeks regarding the scientific podium presentations, quickshots, and posters.

Let’s embrace this time to try something new and utilize the technology available to us – whether that be networking virtually with your colleagues or focusing on the great content we have lined up - you’ll still receive the same great AAST experience that you’ve had at previous meetings. As trauma surgeons, we adapt - this is what we do every day.

David A. Spain, MD

AAST President



AAST Member $400
Nonmember $450
Nurse/Paramedic $355
Other (medical personnel [non-MD] not listed) $355
In-Training Fellow* $0
Resident* $0
Student* $0


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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