◆ 会议时间:2019年5月28-30日
◆ 会议地点:意大利 维琴察
◆ 下届会议:2020年第38届国际维琴察AKI&CRRT课程

◆ 会议简介:



Welcome to the 37th edition of the International Vicenza Course on Acute Kidney Injury and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies.
37 years, what a long journey. We started with the idea of offering an updated course on the most important advances in the area of nephrology, critical care, cardiology and cardiac surgery. The course stands in perfect shape maintaining the same mission and its multidisciplinary nature. For this reason, the faculty is composed of more than 50 experts in the field coming from different disciplines and representing the top scientists and investigators of current literature.
The Course will host an AKI path and a CRRT path that will be held simultaneously. A series of lectures and panel discussions will be delivered during the days of the course. Our task is to put together specialists from different disciplines in a single scientific event with a multidisciplinary approach to the critically ill patient with acute kidney injury and multiple organ dysfunction.


The registration fees are the following per participant plus € 20,00 for fixed charges:

- SPECIAL REGISTRATION - € 300 for 30 years old or younger (Born after January 1st, 1989), and for ex Vicenza/Irrivian fellows
This registration is possible only by sending an ID card

- EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION - 1 x € 450 (online only) / 10 x € 400 (paid by bank transfer) until March 15th, 2019
Please note that with this registration it will not be possible to change name or cancellation after submission. The Packages must be paid only by bank transfer

- STANDARD REGISTRATION - 1 x € 600 (online only) / 10 x € 550 (paid by bank transfer) from March 16th until April 30th, 2019

- LATE REGISTRATION - 1 x € 700 (online only) / 10 x € 650 (paid by bank transfer) from May 1st until May 24th, 2019
Please note that the packages must be paid only by bank transfer

- ON SITE REGISTRATION - € 800 from May 28th, 2019 (credit card only)

◆ 参会对象:

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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